Kaleidoscope glasses
Kaleidoscope glasses

It seemed I had uncovered a natural gateway to the astral plane - no small discovery. More on this in chapter 8 (Time Travel) I noticed early on that when people experienced the glasses they were overwhelmed with levity and laughter and I could ask very complex questions and people were able to hyper focus their consciousness on very mystical thought patterns, as if teleporting into the world of memories and imagination, a kind of wonderland, second only to a psychedelic experience*. * Explain what is meant by "time travel" and the redefining of this term as a measure of motion and how one can speed up or slow down their own voyage through time by increasing or decreasing their levels of awareness. This multidimensional way of seeing became a fascination and building a philosophy and social mission around it became my art form. I called it Future Eyes and they were optical crystals for time travel* - they would later be called Kaleidoscope Glasses, wearable Crystal Vision.

kaleidoscope glasses

I was able to give myself this obsession. In December, 2011 an idea revealed itself and nothing at the time was more important than unravelling this vision. The invention of new experience is happening now. Naked in the morning sun, birds chirping melodies. The process of invention is happening everyday, the future is almost always in preparation, even stillness is preparation for something, even perhaps more stillness. Think the way a historian thinks and you will immediately be in the past. Think the way a futurist thinks and instantly you're in the future. * (this book is currently being written/edited) Kaleidoscope Glasses : The Inventor's Journalġ. notes before Introduction The best way to teleport through time is to evolve your mind.

Kaleidoscope glasses